As reported on Sina, the actress has already agreed to several projects before her sudden decision to withdraw from show business. She is still engaged for the upcoming "Man Ju Sa Wa" movie and three more movies that includes a project with "Vulgaria" director, Pang Ho-cheung.
She has already agreed to return as the spokesperson for Jason's Fruit Store and should be attending a large scale promotional event on 18 August, but she decided to forgo the latter, which caused monetary losses for the advertisers.
Her retirement will also cause issues for the upcoming Wilson Chin production, "Lan Kwai Fong 3".
When asked to comment on DaDa's retirement, director Wilson Chin stated, "I am currently waiting for her manager to give me a response before deciding. Everyone signed the contract, so they have to respect the contract and be professional. She should respond with what she wants to do."
When asked if he has another plan if DaDa, who plays the lead role, leaves the project, Wilson replied, "It's still in planning. As for compensation, we still have to wait until she officially replies."
Meanwhile, when asked about the damages that will be incurred due to DaDa's action, her manager stated, "We have not discussed that yet. She should come forward and resolve the issue. She may not cherish her opportunities, but that does not mean others don't!"
Source: Yahoo Entertainment
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